I call it "My Mindfulness Day" and for me it's every Sunday. This is pretty recent, and it's coinciding with my daily meditation practice.
You can call it whatever you want, maybe a "Slow Day," but you absolutely MUST start having one once a week NOW.
I don't mean some day, when you think you'll have time.
We rush and run like crazy through our lives, without realizing that life is happening right now, not in some distant future and not in some distant past.
Because guess what.
There is not future, and there is no past. It's all in your head.
So think of your life in terms of your work hours. How many hours over the years of your working life have you spent making yourself slave overtime? Exactly. I did the same. Over all those years you've more than earned slow time.
This will change your life. I'm not kidding.
Just pick a day and do everything twice as slow. Cook breakfast twice as slow, cherishing and enjoying every moment. Eat breakfast twice as slow, savoring every bite. Make sure you have nothing planned that day so you have all the time in the world to go slow.
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I can guarantee you that after a few weeks your writing productivity will soar. Mine did, big time. I only wish I started doing this earlier.