Ksenia Anske

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Don’t look at the time

It’s a luxury to have time to write. However, you’re the one responsible for creating this luxury for yourself. If you won’t make the time, you won’t have the time. And you’ll never find it. And there will never be the right time.

So make it. Schedule a chunk of time for writing, and then…


I mean, don’t look at the clock. Set a timer to ding, an alarm to sound. Whatever works. But don’t look at the clock. When you do, it’ll add anxiety and snap you out of the zone. So even if all you do is sit and stare at the screen for 30 minutes, and 30 minutes is all the writing time you managed to schedule for yourself, you’ll get a kick and a satisfaction out of simply thinking without the fear of running out of time.

After a few days of 30 minutes of staring, you’ll be surprised to find yourself typing, and the new habit will be born that’ll get you to steadily produce words.

Just don’t look at the time. It’s irrelevant, and it’s a human invention created out of fear (how we love to burden ourselves with plans and then suffer stress from all this planning!). So ignore it. Look at the sun. Or feel your body, your hunger, your thirst. Judge your time by that, not by the clock. 

Your writing depends on it.

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