Ksenia Anske

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Every scene block has to ask a question

Photo: Blockitecture by Areaware

Scenes are the main elements of your novel (I teach scene blocking on Patreon). A novel is nothing but a scene after a scene after a scene.

And every scene is comprised of blocks, so when you plan a scene, think of it as the series of blocks: one block is leading to another, then to another, then to another.

Each block has to ask a question, then answer it, and that answer has to lead to the next question, and the next, and the next. In other words, each scene block must have a mini-reveal at the end. And so it has to repeat, block after block after block.

If at least one block doesn’t do this (doesn't ask a question and doesn't have a mini-reveal at the end that asks the next question, and so prompts the next block), your reader will pause.

Do it enough times, and you’ve lost your reader.

THE "ALWAYS" P.S.: My Patreon patrons gets first dibs on these daily writing tips, so if you want early access (before I post them here a month later) and get access to my Discord chat, simply pledge $1 per month and become my Hamster, and voila! I'll eat you in borscht!