Ksenia Anske

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6 things I learned from writing full-time for 6 years

Photo by Christina Shires

Today is 6 years since I started writing full-time. Holy shit. Has it really been that long??

Let’s see, what did I learn. 

1. I learned that I know nothing.

2. I learned that I’ll always keep learning.

3. I learned that every book is different, and what worked before might not work again.

4. I learned that staying calm to focus is more important that all the writing techniques in the world.

5. I learned that writing is a job just like any other, and I must hone my craft to succeed.

6. I learned that writing isn’t my life. It’s my job (see previous point). There is life to live, and if I spend all my time cooped up in my writing cave, I’ll miss out on actually living. It was the biggest revelation by far. WRITING DOES NOT DEFINE ME. Writing is only a part of what I enjoy doing. 

Brevity seems to be what came out of writing for 6 years. Brevity. Clarity. And taking time to think before putting down the words.

For fun, compare this post with the others:
